
     Notice the order

Pivots, Climax

     Drastic changes

Sequences of events

     Leading to a pivot

     Following a pivot

Alternating & inverting ideas



Atmosphere, emotions

     Positive, negative, urgent


     Time, location, subjects

This page allows you to familiarize yourself with the principles of literature. You already know many of them. You react to them daily in conversations, when you watch movies and when you read.

Perhaps nobody encouraged you to keep track of them while reading the Bible. Become familiar with this valuable list and it will help you recognize the common literary devices that hold a book together. Notice how paragraphs (parts) use them to construct units of thought. They will help you identify how the subject matter appears and changes through the course of entire the book.


     Key words & ideas

     Key places & people





     Therefore, Thus

Cause to effect

Effect to Cause




Old Testament in the New

Purposes, Reasons

     because, so that, for  


     the beginning w/ the end


     more than, less than

Similes: like, as

Metaphors: “I am the vine”


     however, but

General to Specific

Specific to General

Question asked

Question answered

Tools:  1    2     3     4     5

During the discovery process of an entire book, let your eye gate capture the flow of the content with its recurring themes:

     • Set apart noteworthy observations with techniques of underlining, circling and color-coding key words and phrases.

     • Identify the shifts in subject matter with your own brief paragraph titles using 3-5 words.

     Soon, your grasp of an entire book becomes more firm because your comprehension of what the readers understood becomes clearer.

1. Look for Principles of Literature